Woodstone Exterminating

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9809 Allie Hope Lane

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Company Description:
We are a locally owned and operated pest control company in Edmond, OK and surrounding areas (Edmond, Oklahoma City, Piedmont, Yukon, etc). Woodstone Exterminating specializes in Ants, Spiders, Wasps, Cockroaches, Scorpions, Fleas, Rodent- Mice and Rat extermination and all other general pests. The company uses the most advanced pest control solutions in the industry, and we will customize the pest control service to best fit your needs. As we are locally owned and operated and experts in our industry we have the flexibility and capability to best meet your specific pest control needs. Woodstone Exterminating embraces the highest standards in its industry, and takes customer satisfaction seriously. Bus are relentless, but we are too! When bugs return, we return absolutely free! We want you to be 100% satisfied with your experience. Woodstone uses the most advanced pest control solutions in the industry, and we will customize the pest control service to best fit your needs. As we are locally owned and operated and experts in our industry we have the flexibility and capability to best meet your specific pest control needs. Woodstone Exterminating embraces the highest standards in its industry, and takes customer satisfaction seriously. We will come between scheduled visits for free emergency service to treat any pest problems, should they arise. Call today for your pest control solution: (405) 339-6265

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