Trester Used Auto Parts

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995 Ohio 28

Company Description:
When Cincinnati area drivers hear the phrase “excellent auto sales and auto repair,” they almost surely think of Trester Used Auto Parts. Since 1955, Trester has been providing exemplary services at outstanding prices, and they've got 60 years of satisfied clients to prove it. Known for their friendly, honest professionalism, they carry an enormous range of car parts for both foreign and domestic vehicles-and their extensive knowledge of autos is legendary. Finding just the right part can sometimes be tough, but at Trester, everything is one-stop shopping. In other words, whether the issue is transmissions, engines, auto glass, or something else, the Trester team has you covered. They guarantee customer satisfaction, and they're conveniently located on Route 28 in Milford, just one mile north of I-275. You can find thousands of used vehicle parts on their 12 acre lot, and they're conveniently open until 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. You can even visit them on Facebook or Google+, just to make sure you're up to date on everything the shop has to offer. The auto industry may have changed in the 60 years since Trester's been open, but one thing that's remained constant is the team's exceptional service and their passion for what they do. To find out more, drop by the lot today, or give Trester Used Auto Parts a call at (513) 831-9141. If it takes all kinds of parts to make a whole, Trester is the kind of big picture you'll want to see!

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