The Law Firm Of Steven F. Bliss, Esq.

2 Ratings: 5 out of 5
3914 Murphy Canyon Rd Suite A202
San Diego

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Company Description:
The Law Firm of Steven F. Bliss, Esq. has been decidedly focused on Estate Planning which entails Probate, living trusts as well as trust administration. Furthermore, if you desire to avoid probate for your family, then I urge you to consider developing a solid estate plan with an appropriate last will and testament. Consequently, your initial consultation will always be complimentary and my attorney fees are extremely competitive. In addition to tremendous service, I have offices located in San Diego, Rancho Bernardo and San Marcos, and Temecula. We even offer home appointments when the situation necessitates. In conclusion, if you have come looking for an attorney or just to inquire about certain scenarios, then you are in the right place. My fiduciary duty is to protect consumers pure and simple. If the unfortunate occurs and bankruptcy is a desired solution, we can and do take care of all the paperwork as well. At our law firm your priority is our priority.

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