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Synergy Magnet K-12

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2810 S Federal Hwy
Fort Pierce

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Company Description:
Description: We are proud to be one of the only Nationally and Internationally Accredited Faith-based Private Schools in Saint Lucie County providing Preschoolers and Kindergartners through 12th Grade a unique blend of traditional education, with modern techniques. Our goal is to keep your student engaged and inspired to learn! Throughout our 20+ years of existence in the Christian education industry, we have perfected and formalized the process of educating your child in a Christian environment. We have introduced to our students S.T.E.A.M. based learning opportunities, which prepares them for the jobs of the future. Come see why people say we are the best charter school on the Treasure Coast of Florida.

Keywords: Private Schools in Fort Pierce, Schools in Saint Lucie County, Private Schools Fort Pierce

Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm, Sat and Sun closed

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