Sarah Hines at EXIT Realty of Juneau

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2227 Jordan Ave.

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Company Description:
Sarah Hines at EXIT Realty of Juneau is the most established name in real estate in the Juneau area. Sarah Hines at EXIT Realty of Juneau has been helping the local community and surrounding area residents to buy a house or sell their property.Every real estate agent at EXIT Realty has been professionally trained and certified to provide the highest quality real estate services for the local real estate market. With extensive knowledge of the industry, the real estate agents can help everyone from first-time homebuyers to sellers. They have immediate access to the regional Multiple Listing Service, Public Record Searches, and a variety of other tools to help you with your house hunting.No matter where you're looking to relocate, the agents at EXIT Realty will have listings for you to explore, including areas in Haines, Skagway, Southeast Alaska, and all of the surrounding Juneau areas. If you're in the market to sell your home anytime soon, the agents at EXIT Realty of Juneau will be able to determine the most accurate market value for your home so you can get the best asking price for your needs.For anyone interested in real estate leadership opportunities, Sarah Hines at EXIT Realty of Juneau also suggests pre-licensing classes. To learn more about careers in real estate or to speak to an agent today about your future home purchase or home sale, call (907) 723-7381. You can also visit her website for more information.

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