Safari Pest Control, LLC

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10118 N Ashley St

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Company Description:
Home and Commercial Pest Control and Exterminator Services in Tampa Bay FL Welcome to Safari Pest Control. Providing your home and commercial establishments effective and longlasting pest control and exterminator services in Tampa Bay, FL.
Our company is a familyowned and operated business specializing in residential and commercial pest control and exterminator services for homes and businesses in Tampa Bay, FL and surrounding areas. We tailor our exterminator and pest control services based on your urgent requirements and strive to make it as affordable as possible. We are tough on pests, not on your wallets!
Owned and managed by Ray & Teresa Williamson, Safari Pest Control has the years of experience and know- how in the industry and have resolved numerous home and commercial pest problems for property/homeowners residing in Tampa Bay, FL. We provide honest and prompt services for homes and commercial business owners with FREE estimates and guaranteed results.
Our exterminator services in Tampa Bay, FL include pest control/management for homes and commercial businesses. We specialize in ants, bees, wasps, bed bugs, roaches, rodents, spiders, insects, ticks and fleas, and much more! Aside from our reliable exterminator services, we also offer lawn spraying(with the treatment of your home), small animal trapping, and exterior only treatments for homeowners and commercial businesses in Tampa Bay, FL and other nearby locations.
Safari Pest Control is your partner when it comes to solving your pest problems. Service within 24 hours – NO CONTRACT TO SIGN – A program to fit every need We use the least hazardous EPA approved chemicals & baits available!
Mission Statement: At Safari Pest Control we go beyond the call to provide excellent service & great value. We offer the highest quality products to ensure the safety of you, your family and the environment.

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