Paradise Roofing Hawaii

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68-151 Au St. #308, Waialua HI, 96791

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Company Description:
Paradise Roofing Hawaii provides the highest quality installation and roof repair Oahu has to offer. We are a highly rated roofing contractor for insurance work on residential and commercial buildings of all kinds – no roof is too large or small. We're well known for aluminum, silicone, and shingled roofing, all with significant manufacturer warranties. Not many Oahu roofers can match our quality and pricing, and we work all over the island, including the Honolulu area and the North Shore. We help our clients negotiate with their insurance carriers for storm damage roof repairs. We sell many of the top-quality roofing products available today and install them with fast and affordable service.

We're an experienced and insured Oahu roofing company, and at Paradise Roofing Hawaii, we serve our clients with the most technologically advanced methods and materials. The repairs we make will eliminate vulnerabilities and last longer. We're ahead of the curve with the latest aluminum and shingle roofs and silicone for low-slope and flat roofs on commercial structures. Because roof installation and repair are all we do, our people have vast experience in tackling any job. We're also an information resource about the best roofing options in Hawaii. Because we live here too, we understand the local climate and what works best in our location. If you're searching for roofing companies near me, please reach out and allow us to demonstrate how we can help you.

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