Pacific Skydiving Center

1 Rating: 5 out of 5
68-760 Farrington Hwy East Gate 2nd Building

Company Description:
Pacific Skydiving Center in Waialua, HI, is the premier skydiving experience close to Honolulu that has been guaranteeing to thrill novice and seasoned skydivers alike for over 42 years.Located on the island of Oahu, Pacific Skydiving Center is the only military-certified skydiving company on Oahu. They are located on a designated USPA dropzone and have the most internationally experienced, licensed USPA instructors in the state , including one professional who haslogged over 21,000 tandem skydiving jumps .With its pair of new, $2 million corporate airplanes specially modified for skydiving and certified to fly up to 24,000 feet high with 21 passengers, Pacific Skydiving Center offers packages including Tandem Jumps (8,000-10,000 feet), Ultimate Skydive (14,000-15,000) and Extreme (22,000-24,000). If you want to memorialize your free-fall adventure, the Waikiki skydiving crew also offers photo and video packages.Pacific Skydiving Honolulu provides the only “ proof of altitude” guarantee in Honolulu. If the Ultimate Tandem altitude of 14,000 feet cannot be reached, you only pay the regular tandem (8,000 feet) price, and only Pacific Skydiving Honolulu offers proof of altitude on all jumps.Pacific Skydiving Center also offers skydiving classes and is the only skydiving center near Honolulu to offer the Accelerated Free Fall (AFF) program to new students, so you can be confident in your skills while taking ""the leap.""Pacific Skydiving Honolulu carries an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau, but prides itself most on its excellent safety record with no fatalities. While skydiving carries an inherent risk, Pacific Skydiving Honolulu adheres to the highest safety standards for its gear, equipment, and instructors. Their professional staff are thoroughly trained to ensure the comfort and safety of all jumpers, and Pacific Skydiving Center will never risk the safety of its guests or staff by jumping in conditions deemed hazardous by their pilots or instructors.For

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