Nick Krause Weddings

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255 Allan Avenue

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Company Description:
Nick Krause Weddings proudly serves Owatonna, Rochester, Mankato and surrounding Southern Minnesota with an incredible Wedding DJ service. As a Master of Ceremonies, Nick goes far beyond just playing music for your wedding reception. His goal is to create a night you and your guests will never forget. Music is interwoven with interactions that will create memories you'll cherish for the rest of your life. Want a grand entrance that will have your guests laughing, clapping and cheering? A bouquet toss that people will talk about and doesn't feel forced? A dance floor that stays full? Or perhaps you're looking for a traditional and classic feel and the picture perfect first dance. Nick takes the pressure off you crafting the perfect reception and walks with you to plan the perfect wedding reception for you. We're here to help you tell your love story, give your guests a night they'll love and give you an evening of pure celebration. Without all the hassles.

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