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My Ticket Dismissed - Fight Traffic Tickets, DUIs, Auto Accidents

1 Rating: 5 out of 5
2223 112th Ave NE, Ste 2021

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Company Description:

MyTicketDismissed is a Law firm that focuses on fighting Traffic Tickets, DUI Criminal Defense, and Auto Accident Cases.

We work in all counties in Washington State. Our clients from Seattle, Tacoma, Bellevue, Kirkland, Olympia, Everett and other areas are raving about our success.

Our top Attorney in charge is Ken Tsiprin. He is an award winning lawyer based out of Bellevue Washington. He is the lead on all cases and personally reviews each and every one. Some cases that can not be handled by our office, are assigned to other top lawyers in Washington State.

If you have a traffic ticket, auto accident, DUI criminal case, you can contact Ken Tsiprin directly at ken@myticketdismissed.com or call us at 425-278-9922.

Business Hours:

Monday through Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm PST


1 Review for My Ticket Dismissed - Fight Traffic Tickets, DUIs, Auto Accidents

Very positive experience with My Ticket Dismissed firm!

Review Score: +1

I am very grateful for the My Ticket Dismissed firm. In particular, Ken Tsiprin who is handling my case. He is hands on and attentive.

Reviewed by John Franklin on 18/09/2021 4:13:16 AM

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