Maui Industrial Metal Fabricators

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2000 Mokulele Highway #75

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Company Description:
Serving Maui and Hawaii County areas since 1990, Maui Industrial Metal Fabricatorsis a metal services center specializing in steel fabrication, structuralsteel installation, welding, and metal decking. Work is tailored to thespecifications of the client and performed by a team of professional butfriendly welders and contractors.In addition, this company sells Maui'slargest selection of steel; everything from black to galvanized and stainlesssteel, which can be shaped and cut to order. They sell to constructioncompanies, welders, contractors, and even the “weekend warrior†handyman orwoman. Every one of Maui Industrial Metal Fabricators' welders iscertified in accordance with ASTM, AWS, and ANSI procedures and is able toperform boiler, hot water heating, steam fitting, and structural steel welding.Their team has worked on state, country and federal projects, and helped buildschools, shopping centers and commercial properties. They can perform smallerjobs, such as handrailing and structural bracket installation or larger scalecommercial and industrial work involving the fabrication and erection ofstructural steel. A company founded by dedicated and experienced ironworkers,they treat their employees and clients like family. Maui Industrial MetalFabricators strives to pass on their expertise to every client, ensuring thateveryone that does business with them walks away fully content with the workdone. With its community and client focus, it is no wonder that this company'smotto is “working together to weld the future of our islands.â€To learn more about the services Maui Industrial Metal Fabricators provides, as well as what theyhave in stock, visit the company's website or call (808) 871-4740.

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