Law Office of Rebecca M. Medina

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10 River Park Pl E #200


Company Description:
Rebecca is a knowledgeable and trustworthy family law attorney assisting clients throughout Fresno, Kings, Madera, and Mariposa Counties. With a compassionate and tenacious desire to help her clients in what is often the most difficult time in their life, Ms. Medina carries herself with poise, a superior attention to detail, and the ability to relate to her clients on a level that conveys trust and inspires confidence. Rebecca can assist with matters including uncontested divorces, mediation, child custody and visitation, child and spousal support orders, and highly complex divorce cases involving business valuations and complicated financial matters. She also can assist with courtroom appearances in any family law matter including domestic violence cases. When you need a dedicated advocate by your side, call Rebecca who has the expertise to provide you with personalized, high-quality legal services.

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