Hotel Pommier

1 Rating: -7 out of 5
1215 N Jefferson Way

Phone: (515) 961-0551
Fax: 5159610551

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Company Description:
Hotel Pommier is a modern take on tried and true local hospitality. We are proudly the only independent hotel in Indianola which gives us the flexibility to deliver innovative amenities years ahead others. Whether you are here for the night, a few days, or a few weeks, we have everything you need to have an amazing stay.

Featuring a modern fitness center, 50" 4K smart TVs, outdoor patio / BBQ area, oversized lobby, 24/7 front desk, and more. Hotel Pommier offers a daily complimentary breakfast featuring delicious hot and cold options that cater to all guests. Fresh coffee, tea, and filtered water is available all day along with ice, snack, and bottled drink machines.

This 3-star hotel has many business amenities like a business center, free WiFI, wired internet, desktop USB plugins, and guest printer. Located within walking distance from local restaurants and shopping, Hotel Pommier is a few minutes away from downtown Indianola and a short 16 mile drive to Des Moines International Airport.

Hours of Operation: 24/7

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