Hawaii Gold Buyers Exchange

1 Rating: 5 out of 5
91-902 Fort Weaver Rd #101A
Ewa Beach

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Discover how you can get paid fast by visiting the professionals at Hawaii Gold Buyers Exchangefor your unwanted gold, silver, platinum, diamonds and gift cards. Located in Ewa Beach, Hawaii Gold Buyers Exchangewill providea safe and secure environment where customers can feel comfortable when conducting their transactions.With a friendly, welcoming environment, you can count on complete confidentiality during your transaction at Hawaii Gold Buyers Exchange.Hawaii Gold Exchangeis not a Pawn Shop; it does not pawn. It isn't a bank; it doesn't loan money. It isn't a Jewelry Store; it doesn't sell jewelry. Instead, it's a professional company involved in the analysis, procurement, refinement and reintroduction of precious metals and diamonds into the different industries.Customers of Hawaii Gold Buyers Exchangeinclude regular every-day people - just like you - who have accumulated a lot of valuables over the years. Whether you're an elderly resident who is ready to give up some of your old jewelry or a family member who inherited a number of your relatives' valuables or you have unexpected bills to pay,Hawaii Gold Buyers Exchange offers the chance to have them evaluated and traded in for money.Whenever a customer brings in an assortment of valuables, one of the staff members from Hawaii Gold Buyers Exchange walks them through the process of examining and testing the quality of the pieces. This helps to determine the overall value of the metals and gems that make up the items and will factor into the amount of cash the customer receives at the end of the transaction.While they are primarily known for buying precious metals and diamonds,Hawaii Gold Buyers Exchange will also accept unwanted gift cards. Bring in the unwanted gift cards you won't use, and this gold buyer will buy it from youfor a percentage of the balance of that card.No appointment is necessary. Visit theHawaii Gold Buyers Exchangeanytime or call(808) 689-0099 for more information. One of the staff

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