Gutter King

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67 Kealohanui Rd

Company Description:
A properly-functioning gutter system does a lot for your home that you might not even realize. Gutters protect your roof from water damage from rain and melting snow, and they protect the exterior of your home from water damage as well; even if you have siding, water can run underneath it and cause erosion. Gutters also help prevent flooding and foundation damage, and with proper maintenance, they can last for a long time. So if you live in the Waialua, HI area and you need roof gutter cleaning, repair, or installation, Gutter King is your best option. Gutter King is more than just a gutter cleaning service or team of general contractors—they're Hawaii's best choice for gutter maintenance. Gutter King is a full-service rain gutter company that's fully licensed and insured, with an excellent rating from the Better Business Bureau and a sterling reputation for customer service and fair prices. When other contractors working on Oahu need a gutter company, they call Gutter King.They opened for business in 1996, giving them 19 years of experience installing and servicing gutter systems. Over that time, they've completed projects all over Hawaii, including Tripler Army Hospital, Kanehoe Marine Base, and VIP and military housing, as well as a variety of other residential and commercial buildings.For more information about what Gutter King can do for you, or if you're ready to make an appointment, give them a call at (808) 621-5115 or visit theirwebsite. You can also follow them on Facebook for updates and specials.

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