Forbush Construction & Remodel

2 Ratings: 2.5 out of 5
10309 Wren Ln
Eagle River

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3 Reviews for Forbush Construction & Remodel

Unprofessional and Untimely

Review Score: +1

This team has been payed to replace windows in my house. Had someone else not payed for this I would fire them on the spot. They made two appointments to come and measure things in the house which they did not show up for without a courtesy call. They have been sitting on the windows for two months with no contact. They called the day of instalation (after two silent months) to say they would be in the house within the hour. They apparently did not bring everything they needed and left the house with a window out of the frame and have been gone for nearly an hour.
Save your money or spend it on a company with some professionalism.

Reviewed by on 5/09/2012 6:06:19 AM

Reply to customer with windows replaced

Review Score: +1

This is not true, the seller of the house paid for the window replacement . I measured the windows which were a custom size which had to be built at the factory . We tried to make arrangements several times to work around(college kids) schedules. We finally made arrangements and proceeded on the install of the windows the 1st window came out and the opening was not the same so we had to get lumber to fur around window so it would fit . It was in an upper room where no access from outside could be and the door to the room was shut. We were gone for a short amount of time and came back to install the window. The fact is that the parents hired us also to do some work on their roof and then another residence which they were selling. College kids don't understand what can happen during remodels with unforeseen problems that the contractor has no control over. Wasn't even aware of any dissatisfaction until I stumbled across this . To whoever is interested I have a file full of letters of rec

Reviewed by Tracy Forbush on 25/03/2013 10:32:50 PM

Beautiful bathroom

Review Score: 0

Thank you for such a lovely job on our bathroom .Forbush construction were very proficient and did an excellent job on my shower . I constantly get comments on it. Thanks again!

Reviewed by on 25/03/2013 10:46:07 PM

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