F.G. Lees & Son, Inc.

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161 Admiral St

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Company Description:
24 Hour Emergency Service! F.G. Lees & Sons was established in 1889 and has been in operation continuously by members of the same family. We are a Master Mechanical Contractor. F. G. Lees is an emergency service oriented company and has trained personnel available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. We provide free home inspections and estimates. Types of service provided but not limited to include: Furnish, install and repair boilers, furnaces, and hot water heaters, furnish and install disposers, plumbing renovations and new installations for kitchens and bathrooms. Water service repairs and replacement (we have our own excavation equipment). Sewer lines repair and replacement. Pump repair and replacement. Install gas lines for gas grills, gas dryers, stoves and fireplaces. Boiler cleanings. Water filters furnished and installed. General repairs to faucets, toilets, and piping as needed. We drain and winterize systems. Water filters furnished and installed. We furnish, install, and test backflow preventers

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