East Bay Counseling Center

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77 Beechwood Ave

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Company Description:
East Bay Counseling Center is a friendly Mental Health Center and General Psychiatrist (M.D.) Office in Pawtucket, RI. We treat patients of all ages including elders, adults, teens, adolescents, and children. We offer professional treatment ofr addiction to drugs, alcohol, and food. We also provide psychiatric evaluations and diagnosis to help understand the cause of and correct your problems. Our services include anxiety and stress, depression, sexual problems, and marital problems (relationships). We also provide counseling services for individuals, children, and family. Our counseling sessions are personalized to the needs of each individual patient. We offer individual care and care to the whole family. Give our mental health center and psychiatrist (M.D.) office in Pawtucket, Rhode Island,
a call today at (401) 728-3400 to schedule an appointment.

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