2 Ratings: 2.5 out of 5

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3 Reviews for ERROR

Stinger's honey

Review Score: +1

My husband picked up a jar of your honey at Busy Bee's restaurant in Buffalo while hunting out there recently. We are very picky about our honey, we love very light colored honey and this is the best honey we have had yet. We live in Michigan but love the area out there. Just wanted to let you know how much we like your honey.

Reviewed by Garry & Yvonne Scholten on 29/10/2013 1:54:22 AM

Stinger's Honey

Review Score: +1

We picked up a jar of your honey at Busy Bee's restaurant in buffalo, WY.

Have used it from camping to Christmas Honey ham. The best stuff ever. Every time my wife and I go to Busy Bee's we ask each other... "How are we set for honey??" If we need some... we buy it as we leave.

Reviewed by Cliff & Sheila Byers on 24/02/2014 10:08:52 AM

Stinger's Honey

Review Score: +1

We have been using this honey for the last 3 years and are pleased with it. They will pick up our container in Sheridan on Wednesdays, fill it and bring it back the following Wednesday or we can make arrangements and go down to Buffalo and get it from them. Prices are good for large quantities. We normally get 3.5 gallons at a time from them - unfiltered and have never had an issue. I'm satisfied

Reviewed by Matthew Lemkuil on 1/06/2016 6:02:13 AM

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