Diamond Willow Cottages

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170 Everett Way

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Company Description:
"It's not easy finding an apartment rental offering both privacy and a central location, but that's exactly what you get with Diamond Willow Cottages. These rental cabins are nestled in the serene woods of Fairbanks, AK, and provide a tranquil environment. Still, city amenities are never more than just a few minutes away, since the cottages are a mere one and a half miles from the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus and the town's bustling west end.

Each single-family apartment for rent is 16 feet by 24 feet in sizeand is fully equipped with a kitchen, shelving, cabinets, an electric range, a refrigerator, a double sink, and a clean,private outhouse. You won't have to deal with messy fuel oil disposalsince electric baseboard heaters are on hand to keep you warm when cold weather hits. A programmable digital thermostat allows you to easily control the temperature, while qualityinsulation ensures a high level of energy efficiency.

Diamond Willow Cottages offers services and amenities designed to provide you with an easy and comfortable lifestyle. A covered deck gives you a place to unwind after a busy day. Roads are plowed and maintained in the winter months for your convenience. Each rental cabin comes with parking spaces offering dedicated plugs to ensure you never have to deal with cold starts in frigid winter weather.The gorgeous Equinox trail runs along the edge of the property, and the cabins are just minutes away from the multipurpose trail system at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Most tenants are young professionals, and all applicants are thoroughly screened for your protection. You'll enjoy living in a community that is both quiet and safe. Call (907) 479-9019 to schedule an appointment, or learn more by visiting these newly constructed rental cabins online."

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