Clinton's Painting

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91-1729 Orrick St
Ewa Beach

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Company Description:
When you hire a painting contractor, you want to be confident that they are passionate about doing a professional job on time at a fair price. That’s exactly what you get at Clinton’s Painting in Ewa Beach, HI, which has been providing excellent service island-wide since 2006 and employs a team of painting experts that have a combined 26 years of experience.

Customer service is the highest priority at Clinton’s Painting. Their friendly and courteous painting contractorswill take the time to understand exactly what you’re looking for and provide a free, detailed estimate. They will walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have along the way as they deliver top-notch results with no waiting and no mess.

Their painting contractorsspecialize in custom and high-end painting jobs, including interiorand exterior painting, as well as texturing, striped walls, and even borders. Wallpaper and lead-paint removal are also available. If you need suggestions or are looking for a unique color, they have an unmatched selection and will be happy to make suggestions about what may work best for your interior or exterior painting project.

Clinton’s Painting offers other services in addition to painting, such as staining, drywall repair, power washing, and mildew cleaning. Having these services performed will result in a higher-quality, better-looking, and longer-lasting finish to your painting project.

Call (808) 630-4673 and talk with one of their seasoned professionalsabout your project and all of the services they provide. You can also visit them online to learn more.

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