Clean Energy Fuels Corp

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3020 Old Ranch Pkwy Ste 400
Seal Beach

Company Description:
Clean Energy ((Nasdaq: CLNE) is the leading provider of natural gas (CNG and LNG) for transportation in North America. It has a broad customer base in the refuse, transit, ports, shuttle, taxi, trucking, airport and municipal fleet markets, fueling more than 18,300 vehicles at 200 strategic locations across the United States and Canada. Clean Energy owns and operates two LNG production plants, one in Willis, TX and one in Boron, CA, with combined capacity of 260,000 LNG gallons per day and designed to expand to 340,000 LNG gallons per day as demand increases. It also owns and operates a landfill gas facility in Dallas, TX that produces renewable methane gas, or biomethane, for delivery in the nation's gas pipeline network. Clean Energy also owns BAF Technologies, Inc. of Dallas, TX, a leading provider of natural gas vehicle systems and conversions for taxis, limousines, vans, pick-up trucks and shuttle buses. Please visit: for more information.

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