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Caliber Septic Service

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17428 East Robertson Rd.

Company Description:
Caliber Septic Service is a septic pumping company based out of Garber, Oklahoma, and serving the surrounding towns like Garber and Enid. Caliber Septic Service specializes in pumping out septic tanks, holding tanks, and non-hazardous liquid waste for residential, commercial, and agricultural clients.

If you are having septic problems such as a backed up septic system, flooded septic drainfield, or sewage backup the team at Caliber Septic Service can come out and pump your septic tank and inspect the septic system for any potential problems that need to be repaired. If you are involved in a real estate transaction and need to get a professional opinion on your septic system then we’re happy to provide that, along with a septic tank pump out so the system is maintained and ready for the new owners.

Septic tanks should be pumped out every 3 to 5 years depending on how many family members are in your home or how much use your septic system has. Commercial septic systems should be pumped more frequently. If you your septic system is having a problem then pumping the system out can give better insight into diagnosing the problem.

Your septic tank is designed to separate solid waste from liquid waste. The liquid waste is dispersed into your septic drainfield. The solid waste will sink and form a sludge in the bottom of your septic tank. As this layer of sludge grows it can eventually overflow and solids can clog up your outlets and get into your drainfield. This is why regular septic system maintenance like pumping out your septic tank is so important.

Septic tank pumping is the best way to maintain your system and keep it operating efficiently.

Questions about your septic system? Caliber Septic Service is ready to help. Caliber Septic Service provides services in Kay County, Payne County, Noble County, Major County, Loga

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