Bushwhack Alaska

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348 Talarik Air Strip

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Company Description:
Conveniently located in Lake Iliamna, Alaska, just a short 45 minute Air Taxi flight from Anchorage. Bushwhack Alaska operation sits on the world famous Alaskan Peninsula as the heart between both the Lake Clark and Katmai National Park & Preserves. Geographically known as some of the most game rich environments in all of North America. Our waterways not only offer us a great means of transportation but are widely considered to offer the best freshwater fly-fishing available to anglers. With a vast amount of area to explore, our premium Guide-Use areas in addition to our over 750,000 acres of exclusive hunting concessions, our trophy hunts offer high opportunity and success for all available species! In addition to our hunting & fishing trips, we also offer a wide variety of alternative outdoor experiences for eager Alaskan outdoor adventure seekers. These experiences include bear/viewing excursions, nature/photography tours, backcountry training, & wilderness medicine courses. Depending on the adventure, our packages include ALL INCLUSIVE, Guided, Un-Guided, Outfitted/DIY options for guests with all price points! Accommodations include our main Talarik Creek Lodge, our remote May Lake Lodge, or a remote backcountry camp, complete with all the gear and food needed for your stay.

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