Brevard County Parks & Recreation Administration Department

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2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, B-203

Phone: (321) 633-2046
Fax: 3216332198

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Company Description:
Located on Florida's Space Coast, the mission of the Brevard County Parks and Recreation Department is to enhance the quality of life by providing many types and levels of service that reflect the interest and values of citizens and visitors.

Many county parks in Brevard preserve the sensitive ecosystem and include endangered lands and threatened species. Educational programs at nature centers focus on awareness of the outdoors and preservation of the environment which includes the unique Indian River Lagoon , the St. Johns River, lakes, wetlands, maritime hammocks and scrub. Specific parks are a haven for birdwatching and provide a sanctuary for many bird communities including the osprey, eagle, egret, pelican, and various wildlife including sea turtles and manatees.

Additionally, for those who love the outdoors, Brevard County's parks provide venues for community and regional activities including public golf at three beautiful golf courses (tee times are available at The Savannahs, Spessard Holland and The Habitat); camping at three unique campgrounds; horse trails; fishing and boating--with access to the waterways by boat ramps at many parks; beach and lake swimming and various venues for watersports including sailing, windsurfing, surfing, rowing, catamaran, canoe, and kayak. Facilities for other active sports include softball, tennis, volleyball, horseshoes, shuffleboard, and there are many soccer and Little League ballfields. Picnic pavilions and playgrounds are available at various parks for more passive enjoyment.

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