Baer Swords

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1520 F NW Vivion Rd
Kansas City

Company Description:
If you were anything like my friends and I growing up, you probably spent a good amount of your time outdoors, imagining a number of fantasy scenarios that all involved â€swordsâ€. Whether they were wielded by knights defending the crown, pirates on the high seas or as futuristic sabers of light in a galaxy far, far away, your swords provided hours of fun and adventure. At Baer Swords, it’s our intent to bring back the enjoyment of swordplay through class sessions that teach the techniques and principles of Western martial arts, allowing you to relive the excitement, while learning an ancient skill and getting some exercise in as well. In response to an overwhelming amount of requests for local swordplay instruction, The Baer Swords School of Western Martial Arts was established in 2015. Located in Kansas City, Baer Swords is the brainchild of sword master and Western Martial Artist Baer Kenney. It was through his wife and co-founder Kat’s support that Baer found the inspiration to begin a unique offering of classes that use the fundamental principles of medieval sword-masters. Using modern, athletically oriented equipment to simulate these masters as best possible while keeping safety at the forefront, Baer Swords instructors will show how to best utilize these techniques for maximum effect and maximum advantage

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