AB Copiers

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334 N Franklin Ave, suite 687

Company Description:
We have been providing sales & service to customers for more than 11 years, we are a Pinedale base copier dealer. We service Jackson, Lander, Cody, Cheyenne, Casper, Dubois & Laramie. What separates us from the rest is our service, any company could sell an office copier, but it is the service that counts the most after the sale. AB Copiers provides after hour & weekend service to cater to those business putting in long hours. Most service calls have a 1 to 3 hour response time. We focus on longterm customers, we have customers over 11 years! Our prices are fair, our service is superb. We sell Copystar & Kyocera copiers and that is the only brand we do. By only selling & servicing just two, our customers are guaranteed supplies and parts are readily available. This gives us a tremendous edge over competitors who sell and service a dozen different manufactures. If a service provider sells & services a dozen brands, how well could they be trained in service? how well stocked in vital parts could be? This is why AB Copiers has limited to just the two brands, Kyocera & Copystar which are actually one manufacturer.

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