A-1 Action Safe & Lock

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2460 Aurora Road


Company Description:
If you are looking for a licensed and insured locksmith, call A-1 Action Safe and Lock of Melbourne, Florida. Since 1974 we have been providing residential, commercial, and automotive lock service in Brevard and Indian River counties. Our 24-Hour mobile locksmiths can come to your home, business, or locked-out vehicle. Or visit our newly remodeled shop for key copies, lock repair and lock and key accessories. We stock key chains, padlocks, latches for doors and windows and cylinders for rekeying locks, and can order keys, door knobs, deadbolts, panic bars and other hardware as needed to complete your job. Authorized Medeco Dealer We service and install Schlage, Kwikset, Primus, and other high security locks and restricted keyways Master key system installation Installation and repair of Panic bars, Electric Strikes and Electronic Locks Familiar with ADA installation. Our experienced team specializes in safe sales, delivery, installation, opening locked safes, and locks installed.

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