Our newly revamped showroom is the area's premier location for fine furniture, unique accessories and top shelf design and customer service. We can compete with anyone, come in...
Juniper Hill Furniture and Accessories is a family-owned furniture store that goes out of the way to find the newest, most unique and stylish furniture and accessories the world...
About the Business : Our newly revamped showroom is the area's premier location for fine furniture, unique accessories and top shelf design and customer service. We can compete...
Juniper Hill Furniture & Design 850 East Patriot Blvd, Suite B Reno, NV 89511 1-775-853-8300 Visit Us http://www.juniperhillfurniture.com Follow Us ...
At our furniture store in Reno we'll help you fill your home with wit, charm and beautiful things. Call or visit us today to see our large selection of furniture, beds, tables and...